Words of Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda

🌸 19 May 2024

The philosophy we live by decides our happiness. That’s why having hope is so important. Hope is life’s greatest treasure. If you have no hope, create some.●
Daisaku Ikeda, New Year’s gongyo meeting speech, January 2001.

🌸 18 May 2024

Touching people’s hearts is the essence of dialogue. As the Daishonin cites: “The voice carries out the work of the Buddha” (The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, p. 4). Let’s converse with confident voices that capture and engage people’s hearts!●
Daisaku Ikeda, divisional representatives training course speech, August 2007.

🌸 17 May 2024

However busy you are, don’t forget to be considerate of your family members. That’s what faith is about. And that’s the way to create a harmonious family.●
Daisaku Ikeda, The New Human Revolution, vol. 17, 'Citadels of the People' chapter.

🌸 16 May 2024

When illness assails you, bring forth the great power of faith. Chant to make it an opportunity to grow bigger as a human being.●
Daisaku Ikeda, 'To My Young Friends – Leaders of a New Age series'.

🌸 15 May 2024

When we have the spirit to advance with the Soka Gakkai, with our fellow members, and with the unity of mentor and disciple dedicated to the highest good, we will be able to reach the summit of our own great human revolution.●
Daisaku Ikeda, Essay series 'Thoughts on The New Human Revolution'.

🌸 14 May 2024

Nichiren Daishonin urged his disciples: 'I want people with seeking minds to meet...together for encouragement.' (WND-1, p. 306). Taking action for kosen-rufu while encouraging one another—this is the correct rhythm for attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime.●
Daisaku Ikeda, representatives conference speech, November 2008.

🌸 12 May 2024

The future is bright as long as the young global citizens of Soka continue to press forward, pooling their passion and power while expanding their ties of solidarity. Youth are shining suns of hope, able to break through any adversity.●
Daisaku Ikeda, lecture series 'The Buddhism of the Sun'.

🌸 11 May 2024

Buddhist study is important – it’s like the bones that support your body. When you have a solid foundation in Buddhist study, your faith will not crumble.●
Daisaku Ikeda, Asia Culture and Education Conference speech, November 1995.

🌸 10 May 2024

Renaissance is another name for life’s ceaseless soaring. My friends, don’t be defeated by the storms of karma! Keep moving forward resolutely with a courageous spirit!●
Daisaku Ikeda, from a poem entitled 'A Brilliant New Era for Italy'.

🌸 9 May 2024

What tasks do we need to tackle today? Through vibrant gongyo and chanting with concrete goals in mind, let’s rouse powerful life-force and win in our struggles each day!●
Daisaku Ikeda, encouragement series 'Advancing with the Gosho'.

🌸 8 May 2024

The purpose of our Buddhist practice is to enjoy a long, healthy, meaningful, and fulfilling life. We can develop a healthy lifestyle through our own wisdom and determination.●
Daisaku Ikeda, encouragement series 'On Our Shared Journey for Kosen-rufu'.

🌸 7 May 2024

Let’s praise and encourage to the utmost those working hard behind the scenes. When we sincerely applaud and commend the dedicated efforts of our fellow members, joy and good fortune spread.●
Daisaku Ikeda, Headquarters leaders meeting speech, March 1992.

🌸 6 May 2024

Faith is manifested in daily life. If your basic attitude in faith changes, your work situation and life will, too.●
Daisaku Ikeda, The New Human Revolution, vol. 17, 'Citadels of the People' chapter.

🌸 5 May 2024

With birthrates declining, let’s focus on treasuring each child. Now is the time to foster each one into a shining individual who displays the power and potential of ten or a hundred people!●
Daisaku Ikeda, essay series 'The Light of the Century of Humanity'.

🌸 4 May 2024

Places where women vibrantly demonstrate their abilities are bright and refreshing, and have limitless potential for growth. Ultimately, places that value women will flourish.●
Daisaku Ikeda, Nationwide executive conference speech, August 2005.

🌸 3 May 2024

3 May is a day celebrating the vow of mentor and disciple to strive together for kosen-rufu. The advance of kosen-rufu never stops for a moment. Let’s forge ahead energetically, brimming with powerful life-force!●
Daisaku Ikeda, essay series 'Our Brilliant Path to Victory'.