The Club of Rome and Soka Gakkai International have created a series of events under the theme, ‘It's time for a human revolution! Sparking action through inner transformation and mutual learning’.

Together, they have organised a one-day in-person conference and livestreamed event to mark the fortieth anniversary of SGI President Daisaku Ikeda’s dialogue with Club of Rome founder Aurelio Peccei, Before It Is Too Late and the forty-fifth anniversary of the Club of Rome report No Limits to Learning. 

The conference will delve into the importance of inner transformation in resolving global issues, and is organised in collaboration with Soka Gakkai and the Centre for Applied Buddhism.

🗓️ 9 October 2024
📍 SGI-UK Taplow Court
📱 Please register by Monday 16 September!
👀 Watch the video of the pre-conference webinar:

For more information and to book a place on both the in-person and livestreamed event, fill in the registration form