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Subscription & Signing In

1. About the plans
  • Our new publications website offers a few different subscription plans: Free, Paid Monthly and Paid Yearly.
  • To view the detailed benefits of the different plans, please click on the Subscribe button found on top of the page.
  • The Paid Monthly plan is only offered to subscribers in the UK. If you are subscribing from outside the UK, you will see the Free and Paid Yearly plans.

2. Where to find the option to Subscribe
  • There are a few different ways to subscribe: you can click on the subscribe button on the top of the page, you can click on one of the subscription prompts on the home page or you can click on the subscription prompt in the footer.
  • If you are not signed in and are trying to view a non-public article, you will also see a prompt in the article asking you to subscribe. Click on any of these options to subscribe.

3. How to Subscribe
  • Compare the different plans on offer and choose the plan you want to proceed with.
  • Please note, free subscription offers you access to free resources on the website and the digital Art of Living is only available with the Paid Monthly or Paid Yearly plans.
  • Once you have chosen your plan, please enter your details and click on Subscribe. After submitting the form, it is very important to check your email for a login link. If you cannot see a link in your inbox, please check your Junk or Spam folder.
  • Once you have clicked this link, you will now be directed to the website, and will have access to content depending on your subscription.
  • You will notice you are now signed in as you will be able to access your Account page.

4. Upgrading from a Free subscription to a Paid subscription
  • If you are a free subscriber, you can upgrade your plan to a paid plan.
  • To do this, simply click on the subscribe button on top of the page, or go to your Account section.
  • You will be able to see the different plans available. Choose the plan that is suitable for you. Please enter your details and click on Subscribe.
  • After you complete your payment, your details will be reflected in your Account.
  • You will now have access to Paid content on the website until your subscription expires.

5. Managing auto-renew
  • When you subscribe to a paid plan, your subscription is automatically set to auto-renew.
  • To turn off auto-renew, please go to your account page and click on Cancel subscription. When you Cancel your subscription, it will be valid until the time that it is paid for, and will not auto-renew after.
  • If you change your mind and want your subscription to auto-renew, simply click on Continue Subscription.

6. Receiving email updates
  • When you subscribe as a free or a paid user, you are added to our mailing list to receive email updates and newsletters.
  • If you do not wish to receive updates in your email, you can turn this off by visiting your Account page.
  • Click on the Edit button next to Newsletter Subscription and use the toggle to turn off your subscription or click on "Unsubscribe from all emails".
  • You can turn this back on in the same way by using the toggle.

7. Signing in after subscribing
  • If you have already subscribed and you visit the website, you may notice you are not signed in.
  • You can simply sign back in by clicking the Sign In link at the top of the page and entering the email address you initially subscribed with. You will be sent a login link to your email.
  • If you do not see this link in your inbox, please check your Junk or Spam folder. Click on the link and you will be directed to the website where you can see content depending on your subscription.
  • You will notice you are now signed in as you will be able to access your Account page on the same browser.

8. Troubleshooting Signing-in Issues - Browser
  • When you click the signing-in button in your email, your browser should open up and you should be signed in.
  • You'll know you are signed in because you'll notice that you can access your account settings and the Sign In button will have disappeared. You should also be able to access content according to your subscription.
  • If you notice that after clicking the signing-in button in your email, you are not signed in to the website, this means that a different browser is probably opening up automatically and not the one you use daily. If this happens, try the following:
    • Go to the signing-in email, copy the link in the email. This link should be in the text below the button.
    • Then go to your browser and paste the link in the address bar and click Enter.
  • Now you should be signed-in on this device on your browser of-choice, and should remain signed-in unless you clear your browser cookies.
  • For any new device you use, you will need to sign in again on that device. In case of issues, please try this same process on the new device.